First issue published!
The first issue of MMM has been published!
First of all, a manuscript can be considered only if the same work has not been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
Our type of review process is single-blind peer review. As part of the single-blind review process, identity of the referee is confidential to an author. However, the identity of the author is known by the referee.
Peer review is a serious evaluation procedure for maintaining a high standard of intellectual work. The process is designed to maintain constructive critical evaluation to submissions to ensure that work achieves high academic standards. Review reports help editors identify the eligibility of a manuscript for publication. Manuscripts that pass the editors' initial screening are sent to external expert evaluation by two or more reviewers. Editors may decide to seek assistance from additional editors or reviewers before reaching a final decision. The review process is expected to be completed within 3-6 months after the application. In some cases, longer periods can be inevitable, depending on feedback from reviewers, author response times to revisions, and the number of revisions.
All editorial workflow is done online by logging into the system. The submission portal assigns each manuscript a unique manuscript ID, and this identification number should be used in any communication with the editorial or technical personnel. After a manuscript is submitted for publication, it is checked by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure that it is eligible for peer review. Once this is done, the manuscript is sent to an appropriate Editor based on the manuscript's topic. All manuscripts will be handled by the Editor with no potential conflicts of interest with any of the authors.
Incoming submissions undergo a preliminary review by the editors before being submitted for peer review. At this point, the editors can send the article back to its authors for corrections or reject it without further evaluation. If the handling Editor determines that the manuscript may not be of sufficient quality to pass the normal peer-review process or that the subject of the manuscript may not be suitable for the scope of the journal, the manuscript will be rejected without further processing. It is recommended that non-native English speakers use language editing services to have their articles reviewed and edited by native speakers for grammar, content clarity, formatting, punctuation, and spelling before submitting.
The editor can accept, reject or request minor/major revisions based on the review report of the editorial review board.
• Acceptance
After a manuscript is accepted, it will be sent to our production team for copy-editing, English editing, proofreading by the authors, final corrections, pagination, and, publication on the website. Authors will take an e-mail notification when galley proof is ready for review.
• Rejection
If a paper is not suitable for publication, it will be returned to the authors with a explanation of reasons for rejection.
• Minor Revision
The authors are informed to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript with the necessary minor changes suggested by the reviewers. Along with their review reports on the revised manuscript, the reviewers make a recommendation again.
• Major Revision
Authors are expected to revise their manuscript according to this recommendation and submit their revised manuscript in a timely manner. After the revised manuscript is submitted, the original reviewers are asked to review it. Together with the review reports on the revised manuscript, the reviewers make a recommendation again.
The first issue of MMM has been published!
The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
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