On a problem inspired by Descartes' rule of signs



real polynomial in one variable, hyperbolic polynomial, sign pattern, Descartes' rule of signs


We study real univariate polynomials with non-zero coefficients and with all roots real, out of which exactly two positive. The sequence of coefficients of such a polynomial begins with \(m\) positive coefficients followed by \(n\) negative followed by \(q\) positive coefficients. We consider the sequence of moduli of their roots on the positive real half-axis; all moduli are supposed distinct. We mark in this sequence the positions of the moduli of the two positive roots. For \(m=n=2\), \(n=q=2\) and \(m=q=2\), we give the exhaustive answer to the question which the positions of the two moduli of positive roots can be.


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How to Cite

Kostov, V. (2024). On a problem inspired by Descartes’ rule of signs. Modern Mathematical Methods, 2(2), 103–116. Retrieved from https://modernmathmeth.com/index.php/pub/article/view/38


